
Review: Laptop Mini Roundup


The family and I are visiting the in-laws in Great Falls over the holiday weekend. My family picked me up from work so I wasn't involved in the packing... and it just so happens that my wife didn't pack my laptop. :( As luck would have it, my father-in-law has two recently purchased laptops... and he also had a Dell Mini 9 he was working on for a friend... and he was kind enough to let me play with them.

MontanaLinux from LiveUSB thumbdrive

I usually have one or more USB thumbdrives in my pants pocket and almost always one of them is a bootable LiveUSB of a recent built of MontanaLinux i386 (my own remix of Fedora 11)... so at least I had something I could test with and get my Linux fix. The build I used was dated August 26th, 2009 so it had all of the Fedora updates released on or prior to that date.

Now onto the three laptops I tried out.

A review of "Little Brother"


A few months ago I was listening to a pod cast that was covering some books. I was hearing good things about this book. Personally, I have never been a big fan of a "tech thriller", it always seems that the tech that is in these type of books are (a) impossible or (b) poorly explained. Not really so in this book. The tech could happen, and the stuff that seems a bit over the top are quickly explained out in layman's terms not to lose the average reader.

To quote the Authors site about this book....

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