
Video: TedX talk - Richard Stallman

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I ran across this video recently of Richard Stallman giving a TedX talk on our favorite subject. To spice things up a bit I took the original HD version I had (in ogg format) and re-encoded it with ffmpeg 2.3.2 running on Fedora 21 pre-alpha. I've been re-encoding everything to webm for several years now but finally I can do the newer flavor of webm that uses VP9 as the video codec and OPUS as the audio codec. Oddly on my Fedora 20 desktop none of my standalone media players will play the file. Some will play just the audio, others will play just the video. On Fedora 21 the players do a better job.

How can you view it? Well, vp9/opus in a webm container have been supported by both Firefox and Google Chrome for several releases now... so enjoy it in your web browser. You are using one of those, right? I prefer Firefox because I like freedom rather than an advertising company trying to make products that help themselves out. Enjoy!

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