Videos: LFNW2012 Krita - Digital Graphics for Real Artists

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Oscar Baechler's introduction to Calligra Krita

As you may be able to make out from the poster image, Oscar is running Krita on Microsoft Windows 7. He wanted to show the new 2.4 release and had trouble getting it for his preferred Linux distro and had to settle due to time constraints.

While Oscar is fairly new to Krita, he is a very skilled and experienced digital artist and didn't take long to adapt to it (1 week). With his Wacom tablet, he makes it look easy. Room conditions and video resolution / quality make it hard to see some finer details so make sure to have your own copy of Krita active so you can play with it as you watch, pause, watch this video.

Direct link, right-click save as:
LFNW2012-Krita-Oscar_Baechler.webm (307.5MB)