Dell Latitude On - Embedded Linux subsystem?


Just in case you haven't heard, Dell recently announced a new range of laptops that should be shipping before the end of the year. One exciting new feature is "Latitude On". What is that? Have you heard of Splashtop? If not, check out this video. Latitude is similar BUT unlike Splashtop which is software only, Latitude On includes a hardware subsystem so it uses its own CPU and other resources separate from the main CPU and OS on the system. The advantage is that Latitude On will use way less power... and will supposedly have a battery life of days. Dell didn't make the distro they are embedding but they won't yet say who did. Here's a video from the press conference Dell gave.

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Worzie's picture

I can think of another great

I can think of another great use for this... on a plane or at the airport. No more having to wait to boot no matter what OS it is just to watch a DVD. No worries about waiting to the very last second to put the laptop into your bag with the instant off. I have drained batteries due to closing the lid before it fully shut down which put the laptop into sleep or hibernation mode instead of powering down fully.

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