Description of InfBASE-Q
InfBASE-Q is a theoretical link-layer addition to Ethernet for transmission of signals across a link between two ansible connections. Because there is no transmission delay across an ansible link, the bandwidth is limited only be the time to read the signal off the ansible connection. As switching hardware improves in its ability to push data into and read data out of an ansible link, data transmission speeds will approach infinity.

The basis for this device is an ansible. An ansible is a pair of devices created using quantum entanglement of philotic connections, such that each end of the pair has a particle that can be manipulated to instantaneously know about the changes in the state of its partner particle. The size of such a device is limited only by the particle or group of particles that exist in their entangled state. Assuming a protium (1H) nucleus for the entangled particle, the lower limit for the size of the ansible is much smaller than the current size of an RJ-45 connector.

As data is sent into the InfBASE-Q device, the bits are translated into states of the protium nucleus. As the quantum-entangled state changes, the paired particle at the other end of the philote will change state as well, resulting in a signal at the opposite end. Since the signal is then sent immediately into the opposite end, the effective propogation time drops from a function of distance to a constant of putting data into and pulling data from the protium nucleus.

Because of the small size of the protium/ansible device, it would be possible to put eight such devices in a standard RJ45 connection. In this way, InfBASE-Q maintains backward compatibility with existing Ethernet standards and hardware. Clock synchronization, etc, would be handled as it is in today's mixed 10/100/1000BASE networks. The only foreseeable difficulty with this setup is the fact that opposite ends of the InfBASE-Q cable would not be directly connected. For that reason, it is imperative that care is taken to ensure ends of these cables are not mixed up.

Author: David Souther

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From Wikipedia:

There is no known way to build an ansible. The theory of special relativity predicts that any such device would allow communication from the future to the past, which raises problems of causality. For this reason, most physicists believe that they will eventually be proven impossible. The quantum non-local connection is often proposed as a mechanism for superluminal communication[10] (a 2008 quantum physics experiment performed in Geneva, Switzerland has determined that the "speed" of the quantum non-local connection has a minimum lower bound of 10,000 times the speed of light[11]), but current understanding of that phenomenon is that it cannot be used for any sort of communication—superluminal or otherwise—because of the no cloning theorem in quantum mechanics. See time travel and faster-than-light for more discussion of these issues.

Scott Dowdle's picture

Stargate Universe Communication Stones

Now I finally understand how the communication stones used so much in the new Stargate Universe series work. They must be ansible-based devices. Those wacky Ancients and their advanced technology.

Philotes for telepathy?

I could see them using quantum entanglement as the underlying communication technology, but Stargate has that annoying habit of making stuff up that's even beyond Star Trek Science- like the telepathy aspect of the Com stones! However, I suppose if we accept ansible technology from the Enderverse, we'd have the philotic connection. Then the comm stones would just make our philotes that control our bodies get close together, maybe even trading for a bit.

Ansible connections

Very good! Ursula K. Le Guin would be very proud, I am sure, to hear how helpful her device is becoming! Enjoyed this tremendously... :-)

Kevin Nathan (Arizona, USA) (very old, no content) (content tmp unavailable) (brand-new, no content)

Open standards. Open source. Open minds.
The com


Facinating. Assuming the aforementioned entry is true; this is ground breaking.

However, two things still lay dorment in my mind:
1. How can current programmers and hardward designers take advantage of this design?
2. How is the trigger that changes the state, transmitted to the ansible device in location 2?

I bet Einstien would be pretty ticked about all this right about now.

But Q? Could that be Q as in Star Trek's Q?

Q as in Quantum

Since current Ethernet standards use the form (Data Rate)BASE-(Medium), the Q stands for Quantum Entanglement.

1) Current programmers and hardware manufacturers don't need to do anything per se for these devices. They are simply a new type of cable, which has a constant-time propagation delay, rather than a prop delay based on distance. Hardware manufacturers will be able to use this cable as is, and as their clock rates go up on the NIC, they will simply be able to use frequencies into the cable to get tighter frequencies out.

2) The receiving end of the connection sees the wave propagate through the quantum entangled state the same way a normal wire sees a wave propagate through copper via electricity. Effectively, all these devices do is translate a wave along a copper wire into a quantum entangled state and back out- we change the medium, but the actual ends of the connectors don't see it any different than +++++---+-+-++--- voltages.

Yes, Einstein would not be happy with "Spooky action at a distance"

Note: On further investigation, each end of the RJ45 will need its own power source, unless one of the twisted pairs coming in is used for power...

Scott Dowdle's picture

That better be in Google Chrome OS


I'm really hoping Google pays attention to the collected idea ingredients that you put into a new networking technology recipe... by creating real technology from it and putting it into Google Chrome OS and the devices that will run it. If not, there won't be anything interesting in Chrome OS it is going to be another "Coke 2".

Aaron Benner adds:

"The real unknown here is the possibility of quantum level interference on that many tightly packed protium nuclei. If it is possible for the individual ansible links to interfere when in close proximity then they must be shielded from such interference to maintain a usable S/N ratio. I think, all things considered, that it would be best to ... Read Moreserialize the transmission across a single ansible link to avoid the possibility of quantum tunneling like effects creating NEXT (near end cross talk) on the connector. Given the expected performance increases from a zero propagation medium then the cost of serializing the data across a single connector should not be detrimental." - Aaron Benner's (My Professor) response.

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