World Domination 201

Here is a link that I think is well worth the reading.

World Domination 201
by Eric S. Raymond and Rob Landley

Here's a teaser quote from the article:

In the 1990s Linus Torvalds used to give a talk called World Domination 101 on the early steps he believed Linux would need to take to achieve "world domination — fast". We've made a lot of progress since then, but Linux desktop market share remains stuck below 5%, which is too low to garner support from hardware vendors in some critical areas like graphics and wireless hardware, and too small a political base from which to effectively oppose software patents, hardware DRM, and other horrors. For those within the Linux community, World Domination 201 is about how to take advantage of an opportunity to go the rest of the way. For those outside it, this is a warning of what's coming if we fail.

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Scott Dowdle's picture

A related artlcle - HD video on Linux

Brian Proffitt, the Managing Editor for Linux Today wrote an article entitled The Next Hurdle for Desktop Linux in which he states the following:

If HD content will be king, then the manufacturers will have to be far less wishy-washy. They will either have to sign-up for this DRM scheme or they won't. Given that in three or four years, which is when such a DRM plan is expected to be implemented, Vista will have probably gotten itself installed on a majority of the world's desktops and there'll be even more broadband to deliver HD content, only a suicidal card manufacturer would opt out of this DRM scheme.

This will leave Linux on the desktop in a precarious position. Obviously, the base X system won't be affected by this image constraint token, so we'll all still be able to use our GNOME, KDE, Xfce, or whatever desktops and the attendant apps. But what do we tell the potential new Linux user when they want to point Firefox at some HD content on the Web? Or a techie who wants to build his own DVR device? "Sorry, Linux can't do that?"

Thanks for the link Scott, I

Thanks for the link Scott, I enjoyed the article.

You're right...this was a

You're right...this was a good article. Thanks for putting up the link.

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