Meeting Nights?????

I had actually joined the YULG a couple years ago, but never attended a meeting because they were on Thursdays, which is a work night for me. I re-joined (now BLUG) primarily because the meeting nights had been changed to Tuesdays. If things had not gotten out of hand last month I would have finally made it to my first meeting, but alas, "stuff happens."

As it was I was sure I'd be able to make this months meeting, but now I am not sure as it has been moved to Friday. I have no way of knowing when I can get off Fridays as it is one of our busiest days of the week. Hopefully I'll make it, but if not, I won't be able to make a meeting till May. State Bowling Tournament dates will preclude me from the April meeting. So, if I don't get there and meet ya'all this month I'll see ya in May.

In the meantime, I have question for any of you. Have you noticed how hard Ubuntu has made it to get WINE installed on their latest release of Kubuntu? I'll keep at till I get it, but something that was a snap before, should still be a snap - don'cha think?

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Worzie's picture

LUG Nights

I am really sorry for the change up once again this month. If you do a search in the archives you will find that I have always been a strong supporter of keeping the LUG night to Thursdays. The reason is simply because it has worked for all these years not getting in the way of any holiday and never interrupting weekend plans. Naturally it didn't work for you due to your work hours and such... even my work hours it has on occasion conflicted. Those I consider personal conflicts not much we can do about those.

The big thing I wanted to avoid is trying to please everyone. On that note, I also don't want to loose any existing members due to a change. I have just recently found the regulars to be very flexible. So my interests (not to disregard them) has been to accommodate any new or interested folks as yourself. Please look for THE main reason for any particular change. This month happened to be because C4K wanted to host the meeting and it couldn't be a work night meaning a night their volunteers normally come in. So the changes this year have been to the request of the hosts not necessarily my strategy in gaining new members.

If this topic sparks further discussion I do want to stress not addressing them in personal blogs so as not to be chasing conversations around. Lets keep them to the mailing list or on the main BillingsLUG page where most announcements are kept. Sorry we don't have a forum but with enough interest one can exist.

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