SugarCRM Presentation - MLUG Billings 08/21/2007

The attached file is my notes for the discussion tonight in Billings on SugarCRM on Gentoo Linux with mySQL and Oracle


[editor's note: I attached a pdf version of the document to make it a little more browser friendly.]

Sugar CRM Discussion Notes.odt297.51 KB
Sugar CRM Discussion Notes.pdf362.39 KB

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Worzie's picture

Kudos George

Firstly, thanks for driving all that way to Billings just to present Sugar for us! I hope to see more of us test this out and learn what it can do. We need to know what OS alternatives are out there when asked our suggestions by the business world.

I remember when searching for an ERP, I saw this SugarCRM and took a peek. It was the beginning of learning the differences and finding Sugar was not quite what we were looking for hence it is a CRM. But since then I have watched Sugar grow to its popularity today and predict it to be a top contender with the closed source world.

So learning this or other OS apps could lead to a support solutions business partnership. Most businesses require some sort of customization and support business to stand behind such a product.

George, thanks for the introduction to Sugar and your db port explanation.

Great presentation!

That was a great presentation, George. I've installed SugarCRM on my LAMP server and managed to export my Quickbooks customer list into the contacts of Sugar. This is a really slick program. Now I just need to rewrite Sugar so I don't need Quickbooks at all and I can get rid of a windows box!

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