install wireless card

I recently installed ubuntu 7.04 on my laptop and now I am trying to install my netgear wireless card - wg511v2. I have downloaded instructions at but they don't make much sence to me. Can anyone help?

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I plan to come to the

I plan to come to the meeting next week and talk to someone.


Ndis Wrapper

The main thing is to find the windows driver that is best for your laptop. You need both the my_wireless_card.sys and my_wireless_card.inf of the windows drivers.

Then on the command line terminal type:

sudo ndiswrapper -i /path/to/where/you/will/find/my_wireless_card.inf

Then from the command line check if it installed correctly:

ndiswrapper -l

If installed correctly it will give a description of your card or chipset.


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